May is National Mental Health Month
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The WestsidePulse
Mental Health Awareness Month (also referred to as Mental Health Month) has been observed in May in the United States since 1949. The...
April is National Minority Health Month #NMHM24
Be the Source for Better Health Improving Health Outcomes Through Our Cultures, Communities, and Connections This annual observance...
#SocialWorkMonth is a time to celebrate the compassionate Quest Cares team
Social Work Month Focuses on Empowering Social Workers as they Address Mental Health, Other Issues The Quest Cares team dedicate their...
National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day – February 7
Progress and Resilience: Black communities have made great progress in reducing HIV. Yet, issues such as racism, discrimination, and...
The Quest Cares Team Celebrates Recovery Event @ The Leonard House
Today, The Leonard House hosted an event called "Celebrate Recovery." Our transitional housing program is designed to assist men who are...
QuestCDC to announce affordable housing investment in Atlanta's Westside Neighborhoods
Quest Community Development Corporation is making a $110 million investment that will help “bring stability to the housing landscape” on...
Designing Healthy Communities Is Integral To Revitalizing Our Neighborhoods
Healthy Community Design The way we design and build our communities can affect our physical and mental health. Here we will explain...
The Quest Cares Team is dedicated to helping residents become self-sufficient
Quest Cares Supportive Services Residents arrive at Quest with dreams deferred due to homelessness, health challenges, financial...
Atlanta announces historic planned $300M investment for affordable housing
The mayor has pledged to build or preserve 20,000 units of affordable housing. The new funding could provide some of the capital...
Goodwill ATL: Career and Resource 2ND Chance Expo
On April 27th from 10am-2pm, in conjunction with Dekalb County Community & Supervision Re-Entry Services, the Decatur Goodwill of North...
Westside Gardens: Veterans Event at Quest Veterans Village
Rosario Hernandez (CEO of Westside Gardens) AND Travis Manion Foundation sponsored a garden clean-up on Thursday, April 20 behind...
Celebrating The Incredible Women of Quest & Their Life-Changing Work
In honor of Women's History and Social Work Month, our Quest Cares team share their stories of the women that have inspired their own...
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