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The WestsidePulse
News & Insights
QuestCDC Receives Exemplary Rating From NeighborWorks® America
Quest is honored to be a chartered member of NeighborWorks® America, one of our major funders in the affordable housing space. As a...
Invest Atlanta approves financing for 570 affordable housing units at 5 development sites
ATLANTA — Invest Atlanta’s Board of Directors approved a plan to finance 570 affordable housing units across the city Mayor Andre...
Moving Atlanta Forward with Mayor Andre Dickens
Less than a year after being elected as the 61st mayor of the city of Atlanta, Mayor Andre Dickens revisits the Transform Westside Summit...
Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens Announces Huge Investment In Affordable Housing
The city says previous investments have already built 2,000 units with another 5,600 in the works.
8M Affordable Housing Trust Fund: Atlanta Mayor Dickens Announces Historic $790M Budget Proposal
The proposal is part of the 2024 fiscal year budget.
Arthur M. Blank Foundation: New Westside Strategy & Grants
Danny Shoy, Managing Director, Youth Development & Westside ATL discusses new strategies with Suganthi Simon, SR. Program Officer.
English Avenue Community Celebrates a New Park!
From Park Pride’s 2020 Spring Newsletter. On November 21, 2019, Park Pride, alongside the English Avenue community, the City of Atlanta,...
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